911 Responders Need Our Help NOW! Pay it forward.:
The First Responders who rushed to Ground Zero on September 11th and who stayed behind for months to assist in the recovery effort and clean-up were exposed to pulverized concrete, asbestos, mercury, glass, and other deadly toxins. Respiratory protection was not made available in the early weeks after the attack.
Reports state that over 70% of First Responders are suffering with mesothelioma, cancer, and other very serious illnesses. Some have already died.
Government at the local, state, and national levels has denied that these health issues are related to the work the First Responders did at Ground Zero. Consequently, our First Responders are struggling to pay for their healthcare expenses, mortgage payments and sometimes food for their family's tables. They need our help and they need it now.
My name is Michele Little and I am the sister of Fallen Firefighter David M. Weiss of Rescue 1 Midtown Manhattan. He was murdered in the North Tower of the WTC.
I believe that if David were alive he would be one of the thousands of heroes who are being diagnosed with cancers and leukemia as well as respiratory diseases today.
This situation is NOT going away. These men and women AND their families need our help!
I urge you to donate to the 911 Responders money bomb between now and February 16th.
Visit www.911RespondersFund.com and on The Money Bomb link. See YouTube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=9C3WxqB7Ju8 See YouTube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=QbZa6qjIYA0 www.wearechange.org
Thank you,
Michele Little
www.911RespondersFund.com supporting John Feal and the www.FealGoodFoundation.com for all the great work they are doing for 911 Responders
Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people:
911 Responders Need Our Help NOW! Pay it forward.
Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers